7 Things About Me - Rambling Renovators
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7 Things About Me

I've been a horrible blogger. I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Kyle at Roncesvalles Victorian Reno, Tanya at Dans Le Townhouse, Nancy at Dream It Build It Style It, and Jo at In Corners of my Mind in the last little while and I haven't thanked them nor passed on the award. But since there seems to be a few new readers around here, maybe now's as good a time as any to say 'thanks for the award!' and follow the rules and let you know 7 things about me you haven't heard before:

  1. I have horrible eyesight. Seriously. I've worn glasses since I was in grade 4 and got my first pair of contacts in grade 7. That's over 30 years of bad eyesight. Oy. Poor Chloe, this doesn't bode well for her.
  2. Speaking of years, I'm 40 years old. I have to thank my mom for her awesome age-defying genes. I mean look at her... Mom looks fabulous for being 69 years young, don't you think?
  3. You already know I'm a breastfeeding mom, a baby led weaning mom, and an attachment parenting mom, but I'm also a mom who has experienced multiple pregnancy losses. Yes, unfortunately, since Chloe we've had two miscarriages. I'm not bitter or embarrassed about it, its sadly a common thing and another part of our journey as parents. I'm hopeful though that we can give Chloe a sibling some day. I can already tell she'd be a great big sister ;)
  4. I NEED coffee. My brain won't function in the mornings if I don't have my morning cup. None of that fancy coffee for me either. A cup of Tim's double double will do me just fine.
  5. The craziest thing I've ever done is move to the Philippines when I was 22, a country where I didn't speak the language. While I was there, I dated a rockstar, a pro basketball player, and got pulled onstage and serenaded by the Philippine equivalent of Brad Pitt. Such weird occurrences that could only ever happen abroad.
  6. If I had all the money in the world, I would spend my summers in Toronto, my winters in Bali, and the spring and fall in Paris. Those are my favourites places in the world that I've visited.
  7. I may know how to style a room but I have issues styling myself. I think I lost all my fashion sense when I got pregnant three years ago and then started working from home. You will never see a What I Wore post on this blog, ha!
And that's my 7. I'm passing on the award to the following fab blogs:

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