Vintage Finds - Rambling Renovators
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Vintage Finds

Its funny how having a kid literally changes your view on things. I don't know if its true of all parents, but I find my myself increasingly drawn to cute things, to whimsical, sweet, miniature things. Things with adorable details and things that remind me of my own childhood.

I'm not sure I would have even noticed such items before but at the Christie Antique Show I was instantly drawn to the booths with the vintage toys, old schoolbooks, and worn out board games. I picked up this little cutie. Its a child-size dress form. She has the most perfect colour, a rosy pink hue. I like the subtle texture of the paper mache and the delicate pattern.


She is tempting me to dust off the old sewing machine and make cute little aprons and sundresses for my girl (that is, if I could actually sew!). I envision this going in Chloe's new play area when we redo the basement. She can put her costumes on it, her tutus and boas and hats.


This is a little chair and table I bought for Chloe too. I won't be repainting it; the rich red and marks and nicks are part of its charm! There was only one chair so I'll keep my eye out for other kiddo chairs to add to the mix.


And I'm not a big baker, but I have a nice collection of cake stands. I just had to have this one:


Oh, Fenton hobnail glass cake stand, you make me swoon! I think I will have to whip up a batch of cupcakes pretty darn soon just so I can have you sitting out on my counter.

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