IKEA, I Love you
Its no secret that we love Ikea here at the HandyLuster household. We've used it in many of our rooms like our home office and nursery. Mostly, we love to customize it to suit our needs - make it look built-in, tailored, bespoke. So when I come across innovative ways to use Ikea, it makes my heart flutter.

These are evocative and moody images from the new Ikea catalogue (styling by Lo Bjurulf). I've never seen Ikea look so bohemian!
Do you ever think that Ikea stuff looks 'too Ikea'? Here's some clever ways to incorporate pieces into your home, without sacrificing your personal style...
Images above are from the Ikea LIVE site, a place for tips and inspiration from real folk like me and you.
And if we're talking Ikea, we have to talk Ikea kitchens. We're planning on using some cabinetry in our basement renovation, in the craft area, work space, and laundry room. I'd like to stick with the shaker-style look we have throughout the rest of our home. Here's a fabulous & informative article on painting Ikea kitchen cabinets from interior designer Carol Reed. Its a must read for every DIY'er using Ikea, I think!
How about you? Any favourite Ikea products or projects in your own home?