Mini Chair Makeover - Rambling Renovators
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Mini Chair Makeover

Remember this little chair we found at a garage sale this summer? Well, I wasn't entirely satisfied with my initial fabric schemes so we went and picked some new fabric for it at Designer Fabrics. I wanted something feminine but not too girly, something sophisticated enough to complement the design of the chair, but not too adult. Here's what I picked!

The nubby plaid will go on the front, seat, and arms of the chair. The stripe will go on the back.

Oh, how I love these together! They remind me of summer and sunshine and lemonade and picnics! Preppy and pretty :)

And I think I will paint the wood the robin's egg blue I was contemplating before. Now if I could just get this baby to nap (and stop trying to climb the furniture and stop wanting to be held by mommy all.the.time), then I'd actually have time to redo the chair ;)

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