Floor Tile Pattern Options - Rambling Renovators
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Floor Tile Pattern Options

Not much progress on the bathroom renovation. We've had two contractors in and are just waiting for the quotes to come back. I'm still hoping for a late November start. By the looks of it, the contractors will have their work done in less than a week. That leaves ample time for HandyMan to do the tile work after, and still have time to move onto the guest bedroom before the baby arrives. Speaking of baby, we're at almost 17 weeks and everything is going fairly smoothly (minus the nausea which seems to stick around most of the day :o\ ). 

HandyMan came up with a few floor tile pattern options. We're going with a basketweave tile carpet, not hexagon tiles as shown, but you get the picture. The toilet will go in the niche at the top right. If you look closely, you can see the dashed lines which indicate where the new vanity will be placed.

Options 2 and 3 show the carpet off nicely; the tub and carpet line up and will look pleasing visually. Option 2 has the remaining tile in an offset brick pattern. With Option 3, the other tiles are in a grid pattern. Neither of these really appeals to me... the mishmash of grout lines seem chaotic.

Option 1 is what we're planning to go with. Stretching the tile carpet the full length of the room will make the overall space seem bigger. And since the vanity will have an open slat shelf on the bottom, you'll be able to see through the vanity to the floor. Keeping the brick pattern of the remaining tiles to just the toilet area will also minimize the visual clutter. Now all we have to do is tear out the bathroom, move the plumbing, buy the fixtures, buy the tiles, and put everything back in. Easy as done!

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