No Blogging Mojo - Rambling Renovators
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No Blogging Mojo

I got nothin'. Maybe its the cold rainy weather we've been having. Or the fact that we've just come off a long kitchen renovation. Whatever it is, lately I haven't thought of anything worthy of writing a post about. I know we'll jump into the next project soon enough, but for now, the blog sits there taunting me... 2 days... 3 days... 4 days pass without a new post.

So, I thought I'd ask you folks to lend me a hand. What keeps you coming back to Rambling Renovators? Is it the Before & After photos? The inspiration pics I post? The boring musings about my life? The documenting of the in-progress, down and dirty, DIY details? What is it? Because I'd like to know... 'coz then, I can write about it if I know you want to read about it. See how easy that works :)

Here's a completely anonymous survey. I would love it if you could fill it out. It would save you from having to read more boring posts like this one ;)

Click Here to take survey

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