Diving In

Day 1. I’ve gone and done it. Finally, after months (years?) of
talking about it, I’m going to start my own business. The idea has been stewing
in my brain for a long time. Sometimes, its quiet, like a stone covered in moss,
rolling around, bumping into things but never really leaving a mark or making a
sound. Other times, its loud, crashing and thrashing and thumping about. In
stereo. Its times like that that I can’t concentrate on my “day” job… you know,
the one that pays the bills. The one that I was schooled for and have succeeded
at and which has allowed me to live a comfortable life in a nice house. The one
(if I was silent and listened to my heart) that I really don’t have a passion
I’ve always had this conflict (and I’m sure many of you have,
too). Do I keep doing what I’m doing just because I’m good at it? Or do I
disrupt my life (and that of HandyMan’s) to try something I’m not even sure will
survive, let alone thrive? I’ve been looking around for answers. Some bloggers
have tackled this question;
design for mankind, and
please sir
and their readers have given me much food for thought. But it was
this old post
that really resonated with me. I am already “in the zone” she writes about…
opportunities are presenting themselves, key people have confirmed my business
idea is a sound one, and there are little “signs” appearing, like markers
showing me the path.
Part of the obstacle was my own thinking. I’ve
never been able to reconcile my right-brain and left-brain thinking. I’m equal
parts creative and practical. I love Excel just as much as I love our mitre saw.
I have an MBA in Strategic Management and I’ve written a book about
architecture. Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Project both get me excited. I can
design a room and I can design a strategic plan. See what I mean? What do you do
with that? The problem was I’ve always thought I needed to choose one or the
other, and my educational background made that choice very simple. It’s been the
corporate life for me for the last 15 years. But then, I had that “A Ha!”
moment. Why do I have to choose?
In a world where people are both
interior designers and bloggers, writers and artists… a world where people have
2 or 3 jobs to sustain themselves… why can’t I do both? I can. So I am.
still in the early stages but my plan will allow me to flex my business mind and
surround myself with creative types. But why am I blogging about this when it
obviously has nothing to do with renovating or design? Well, they say if you
want to make something happen, you need to articulate it – and you folks are the
largest audience that will hear me :) As well, if you’re anything like me, you
may be reading this blog as a way to feed the need for creativity in your own
life. It could be a distraction. It could be something that prompts you to say
“oh, I wish I could do that… if I only had the time”. If I have learned anything
my friend Willow, it is that there is no time like the present. So I’m jumping in, taking a
dive into the murky waters. Hopefully, I can float.