Episode 7: Beaten... for now - Rambling Renovators
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Episode 7: Beaten... for now

It finally happened. We've been beat by the kitchen. Beat into a sore, bruised, blistered pulp by our little 8x13 kitchen. After two days spent slopping on mortar, inhaling porcelain dust, and installing tile on our hands and knees, the kitchen floor (minus the grout) is finally done. Give a 'yahoo' to the home team :)

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The job was harder than we thought. A few unlevel spots had to be fixed using the mortar, and HandyMan had to give me a quick tutorial on the table saw so I could do all the cutting. By the end of it, I was whizzing through those tiles, sparks in my face be damned ;) 

And HandyMan was laying those tiles down like a pro... look at those awesome straight lines (all done by eye - no spacers - those are for the weak!). As we looked around the room, admiring our handiwork, we couldn't help but smile -- until we realized we had no path to close the open window and lock the back porch door!! Ah well. There's nothing in that empty room to tempt a burglar :)

So now, we rest. We're running off to Prince Edward County for a few days to relax and rejuvenate. We've never been there before so we're looking forward to visiting the many wineries, farms, and quaint restaurants in the area. Hopefully this trip will give us the energy for the tile grouting which follows later this week. We'll be taking a brief blog hiatus, so sit back and enjoy the journey of the kitchen thus far.

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